Remote Registry Error on Installation

During TerrSet installation, some users may receive a Windows error related to Remote Registry. If you get this error, you can try to click no to all. Also, you can log into your machine as an Administrator and check that the Remote Registry Startup Type is set to “Automatic”. You can access Remote Registry settings through your computer Services.

This service can be disabled after installation.

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  • 2
    David Rogers

    In response to the error message 'The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it.  Remote Registry. Would you like to try again?' I clicked on 'No' rather than 'Yes'.  This resulted in successful installation (by a non-Administrator) on a Windows10 machine. 

    A 'Yes' response simply stopped and closed down the installation.

  • 0
    Marie-Pierre Rogeau

    I had the same error message as David, but I followed the suggestion from Clarks Lab. My remote registry was set to disabled. Changing it to automatic allowed Terrset to install successfully.


  • 0
    Okwaro Isaac

    I show the screen shot below showing how I resolved the registry issue:

  • 0
    Andres Guhl

    Thanks a lot! It worked perfectly

  • 1

    Perfect. It works well.

    Many thanks. 

  • 0
    Edward paul

    I have encountered such “can’t be started unable to initialize the Windows registry error” in my Access database. When I searched online for the fixes I have got this informative post. So you can check this post….!

  • 0
    Gherardo Chirici

    I experience the same problem, I changed the registry to automate. But now launching the setup it simply jump out of the procedure closing the installation window

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