Importing Shape and Database Workshop errors with Office 2010 64-bit, Office 2013 32- and 64 bit, and Office 2016

Shape Import/Export errors and Database Workshop errors opening a database with Microsoft Office version installed, 2010 64-bit/2013 32-bit/2013 64-bit/2016. Errors can also occur with Crop Suitability modeling in ESM.

Common error are: "Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed", "Out of Memory", ".accdb in use", or an error that the .accdb file cannot be found.  

With the release of 18.02, Shape is now working on machines with later versions Microsoft Office installed. However, data connectivity components from Microsoft will need to be installed, specifically:

Install Microsoft's 2010 32-bit Office System Driver: Data Connectivity Components found at:


(The original link is no longer valid: )


This installs the 2010 32-bit ACE driver which is compatible with all later versions of Office MS Access. All other Office products will continue to run.

This solution is due to issues with the ACE engine installed with Office 2010 64-bit and later versions reported by many developers, not just with TerrSet. 

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