Land Change Modeler and Sub-models

Developing Sub-models in Land Change Modeler (LCM)

You can only have 9 transitions in a sub-model. Although this is a hard limitation, when there are more than 9 it can be difficult to say that all transitions can be explained by the exact same drivers of change. To get around this limitation and to develop a more realistic model of historical change, create additional sub-models with similar, but different drivers. Here are the steps to do this.

1. Identify which transitions can be explained by the same drivers. If, for example, you have 3 sets of transitions, you would create 3 sub-model names in the first panel (Transitions Sub-Models: Status) by selecting each of your 18 transitions and assigning them a name in the Sub-Model Name entry box. 

In the above example, you may have three transitions to model, deforest, urban, grassland. For each transition pair, enter one of these three sub-model names.

2. In the Transition Sub-model Structure panel, enter the drivers for the sub-model selected. You select the sub-model in the first panel using the drop-down menu for "Sub-model to be Evaluated".

3. After identifying the drivers for the sub-model, create the transition potential map under the Run Transition Sub-Model panel. 

4. Go through the process above for each sub-model. Using the above example, you would do this three times for each of your sub-models. Once you have each transitions potential map for each sub-model, then proceed to the prediction.

What this allows you to do is evaluate each sub-model separately. It sounds complicated at first, but in the long run it reduces the complexity of developing a model of change. In the example above with 18 transitions, you need to think through carefully which transitions to group based on determinants of change.

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    Murtala Dangulla

    Thank you, but is there any need for additional legend below the change map (to explain the clors for instance) as produced by the modeler: Example below.

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    Vagner Felix

    I have a problem! When I choose to work with the nine transition classes. And later, I go to the Run transition sub-model menu and ask to create the potential transition files, the program is not generating all the possible transitions archives. A message like: Map 1_5 not found appears. And consequently, I can not go forward in the generation of future scenarios. What should I do to be able to generate all possible transitions files for each sub-model?

    Edited by Vagner Felix
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    Yuliana Celiz

    i want to generate two comparisons maps in LCM, the problem is that i don´t habe a background or 0 class value for create de news ID in harmonize legends step. it is posible to not modify the original legends?


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    Hi, I have the following doubt: what if I can not enter the drives for the sub model, since I do not have them? In what would change the results?


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    Clark Labs

    In response to Vagner Felix's question from 5 years ago, when you run Run Submodel, it only creates the transition potential for the transitions that are included in that submodel.  So if there are different submodel names, only those in the currently chosen submodel will be run/generated.  You either need to group them all in the same submodel, or need to make sure to run each of the submodels before moving on to the Change Prediction tab.

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    Clark Labs

    In response to Yliana Celiz's question from 5 years ago, you can use the RECLASS module to reclassify the background value to be 0 (from whatever it was, e.g. from -999). 

    You can also modify the legends using the TerrSet Metadata form on the lower left side of the display (on the bottom of TerrSet Explorer).

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    Clark Labs

    In response to CAMILA TAMARA ORELLANA PEREIRA 's question from 2020:

    You can enter the names of the data files without specifying their drives or folders.  You just need to set up those folders as Resource folders, and TerrSet will look in them for any input files it is searching for.  Then if the files change locations, you just need to change your resource folder set-up (your project setup), not the LCM project details like variables in submodels.

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    Hi, I have been working on six land use classes and have 30 transitions in my project. I want to use all the transitions for future prediction. When I try to train multiple transitions (say 4-8) under one sub-model, MLP is giving very low accuracy rate of training but it is comparably giving better result if I train the sub-model with one transition at a time with same variables. If I train and create 30 transition maps individually with same variables, will it be possible to use all of them to predict future? 

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    Clark Labs
    When you do your prediction in LCM, you can use transitions that were created from different sub-models.  If you click YES next to that transition, it will be included in the prediction, even if the sub-models are different.  Sometimes people use different techniques or different variables for the various sub-models, because different forces are contributing to that type of change.  But in the next tab in LCM, when you do change prediction, you can include those transitions.  When it calculates each iteration, it runs the sub-models separately to create the predictions for each transition.
    I don't think I worded it very clearly, but yes, you can use all of the transitions even if you train them individually.
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    Thank you for your response. I have another query. Recently I have purchased Terrset 2020 software. While working on LCM, I was unable to find the "Test and Selection of Site and Driver Variables" option of the "Transition Potential" tab. Can you kindly tell where to find it? 

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