Example script for Silent Installation over a network

To install liberaGIS over a network, here is an example of a script:


@echo off


start /b /wait "" "%~dp0Setup_TerrSet_liberaGIS_20_00.exe" /Silent /L="C:\TEMP\TER_INST_LOG.TXT" TARGETDIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\TerrSet_liberaGIS" DESKTOPDIR="C:\Users\Public\Desktop\" SHORTCUTFILES="C:\Users\Public\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\" QUICKLAUNCHDIR="C:\Users\Public\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\" USERNAME=CLARK USERCOMPANY="CLARK" ALLUSERS=TRUE COMPLETE=TRUE SILENT=TRUE


timeout /t 15



To install liberaGIS over a network to take the place of an existing TerrSet2020 installation, here is an example:

@echo off


start /b /wait "" "%~dp0Setup_TerrSet_liberaGIS_20_00.exe" /Silent /L="C:\TEMP\TER_INST_LOG.TXT" TARGETDIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\TerrSet2020" DESKTOPDIR="C:\Users\Public\Desktop\" SHORTCUTFILES="C:\Users\Public\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\" QUICKLAUNCHDIR="C:\Users\Public\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\" USERNAME=CLARK USERCOMPANY="CLARK" ALLUSERS=TRUE COMPLETE=TRUE SILENT=TRUE


timeout /t 15


Thanks to Becky in Clark's ITS for help with the above script!!!


How I got the script to work. 

Based on instructions in ZineTek’s video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4OX6DETHNg

  1. Get administrative rights for the remote computer(s).
  2. Enable Powershell remoting on remote computer(s):
    • On the remote computer, Open a cmd prompt as Administrator
    • >powershell
    • >enable-psremoting –force
    • From the Start menu, search on Firewall. Find Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security. Right-click on it and Run as Admin.
      • Inbound Rule – right-click -> New Rule.
        1. Predefined
        2. In Combo box, choose Windows Remote Management
        3. Next
        4. Leave Public unchecked; Check on Domain, Private.
        5. Allow the Connection
        6. Finish
      • Inbound Rules – right-click – Refresh
        1. Verify that Windows Remote Management (for Domain, not public) is enabled/yes.
  3. On local computer, download the installation setup file.  Put it into the folder that you specify in your script.
  4. Run the script in your local Powershell.  The script I used was:


#Define the remote computer name and MSI package path

$ComputerName = "TNT1"

$DestFolderPath = "c:\temp"

$FilePath = "c:\temp\setup_terrset_liberaGIS_20_00.exe"


#create a new Powershell session to the remote computer

$Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $ComputerName


#Create the destination folder if doesn't already exist

Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName -ScriptBlock {


if (!(Test-Path $DestFolderPath)) {

New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $DestFolderPath


} -ArgumentList $DestFolderPath



# Copy the setup package to the remote computer

Copy-Item $FilePath -Destination $DestFolderPath -ToSession $Session


# Install the setup EXE on the remote computer

Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {


cmd /c start /b /wait "" $FilePath /Silent /L="C:\TEMP\TER_INST_LOG.TXT" TARGETDIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\TerrSet_liberaGIS" DESKTOPDIR="C:\Users\Public\Desktop\" SHORTCUTFILES="C:\Users\Public\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\" QUICKLAUNCHDIR="C:\Users\Public\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\" USERNAME=CLARK USERCOMPANY="CLARK" ALLUSERS=TRUE COMPLETE=TRUE SILENT=TRUE


} -ArgumentList $FilePath


# Remove the copied setup package from the remote computer

Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName -ScriptBlock {


Remove-Item $FilePath -Force -Recurse } -ArgumentList $FilePath



#Close the powershell session tothe remote computer

Remove-PSSession $Session


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