problem1-driver variable 'elevation' dimension does not match with earlier and later image
problem2-driver variable 'road' dimension does not match with earlier and later image
problem1-driver variable 'elevation' dimension does not match with earlier and later image
problem2-driver variable 'road' dimension does not match with earlier and later image
please give me solution as soon as possible please
no soloution drivers data is wrong kindly check it
In LCM, all inputs must have the exact same spatial extents, resolution, and spatial reference information. If they do not match you will need to process your images so that they do match.
To check to see if your images do not have the same spatial extents, resolution, or spatial reference, you can simply look at the metadata of all of your images. The metadata can be seen in the metadata panel of the IDRISI Explorer. The metadata displayed corresponds to the image that is highlighted in the IDRISI Explorer panel.
Clark Labs Tech Support
I have got the solution,
thank you so much David
How did you solve the above problem?I am also getting the same problem.
what tools you have used to make the dimension same of the data layer and other images?
I would appreciate your answer and time in advance.
Dear zaman,
i did not use any tool to solve that problem, for that problem you have to have equal rows and columns in both the two images which you are going to use, i cut all images with the help of a single AOI in Erdas and than imported these images into Idrisi, than i noticed that all the rows and columns of all the images were same and than i did not get any dimension problem.
please do like that and than tell me if you will not get solution.
Dear Mohit,
I too got the same error that the rows and column of the driver images are not matched with the initial input image. I tried to cut the two images with the same AOI in ERDAS . but the two images showing one pixel difference and the GEOMOD is still showing the same error. Kindly help me to rectify it.
Dear lakshmi,
i don't have any other solution of this problem, please do this method once again, that also happened to me, i tried it many time than i got same dimension for all imagery, first draw an AOI using a single image which you will use, than save it and cut all the images by this newly created AOI, make sure that you are doing this process in one attempt, means cut all the images one by one in an attempt, now import all these ERDAS images into IDRISI, just do it and then tell me.
Another thing, I've done to solve this problem. I just edited rows and columns in the metadata of the Idrisi Explorer to make the equal of the both images and results: it didn't show the error message.
thanks to let us know it's a wrong process but i didn't get any error message by doing that.
Dear Zaman,
don't do like that, of course you didn't get any error but remember, doing this can ruin your data. Apply only correct method
In Idrisi, you can harmonize the spatial characteristics of your data usin the module PROJECT (even if you have them in the same projection)
In PROJECT select as imput the image that you want to modify. Specify the output name and the output projection (if you need to change only rows and cols, then specify the same projection of your imput data)
Then go to "output reference information" here you can copy the rows and col and extent parameters from the file that has the correct extent or enter them manually.
Run it and the output should have the same extent, rows and cold of the image you copied the parameters from.
Never change the parameters from the metadata because although the software does not complain the output will be garbage as you will be modifying the structure of the raster file.
I've been trying exactly the way you are saying but the data sets change the look. Like road layer, Elevation, hydrography data sets change the viewing the way it was before. Have you got this problem? or Do you think even the look or map composition changes but still the data values/ pixel counts are not going to change?
If the variable (roads, rivers, urban or else) dimension does not match with earlier and later image you can do that:
-after importing vectors from shp, you need to transform them in raster by using "initial". Select radio button "copy spatial...". In the output image you type a name you want and for the "image to copy parameters from" select one of the land cover maps. For the output data, select "integer". By doing that the spatial parameters of the land cover maps is copied to the initial map.
-after that use "rastervector" to convert from vector to raster. Select your conversion option, the vector file type and for the image to be updated, select the file created earlier by "initial" command. Your vector file is converted to raster and is pasted to initial raster with the dimensions of land cover maps.
-finally use "distance" to create map variable (like distance from roads), using of course the raster created in the step 2.
The map(s) will have the same spatial references like land cover maps and can be use to run transition sub-model without errors.
That is the reason I initially maintain same coloumns and rows and avoid this problem in later stages.