When I used CA_Markov to predict the LUCC, a error dialog box notice "tmpclass_2.rst (second input image) not found", but the file "tmpclass_2.rst" was exist. Please help me to deal with the problem. Thank U!!
蕾 邓 I am puzzled by this question now.Have you solved it?
蕾 邓 时间比较紧,我就用中文了。If you can not speak chinese,please tell me.出现这种问题的原因可能有两个,一个是起始影像存在-9999值的点,引发内存不足,应该运行reclass模块重分类;另一个就是需要把所有的数据都拷贝到默认目录下,一般是C:\Users\Public\Documents\IDRISI Tutorial Data\Using Idrisi,我的问题是采用第二种方式解决的。
Shuo Wang 我用的是第二个方法,不用拷贝到默认目录下,而是把装有数据的文件夹设置为默认文件夹~,觉得不是第一个原因导致的,我曾经用ARCGIS重分类过,去掉了NODATA的部分,可是还是不行...而且有时候图片的分辨率也会影响到运行...
蕾 邓 哦,这样。第一个是网上一个同学说的,貌似是他用了那个方法解决了问题,可能有很多问题都会导致弹出那个错误提示,我问了一下官网的老师,他说文件的坐标不一致也可能导致这个问题。留个QQ吧,希望能够方便交流。627964668,邓蕾。
Sk.Mustak I also facing same problem When I used CA_Markov to predict the LUCC, a error dialog box notice "tmpclass_2.rst (second input image) not found", but the file "tmpclass_2.rst" was exist. kindly help me
Shuo Wang To Sk.Mustak:
All rst file must be in the default path. Good luck!
Meeli Roose Hei!
Yes, you have to set default folder in IDRISI Explorer and Resourse folder also your C: folder. Idrisi can not read external USB-s. You have to pick file from Idrisis tree not to browse.
William Abel Villacrez Guerra Hi,
Now I using CA_Markov with the files of the Tutorial but say "Input file types don't match. Output file type is binary", What am I doing wrong?.
Please, help me.
Meeli Roose Hei!
Input files must have same data type (byte) and file format (binary). You need to use tool CONVERT, to make sure they have both same file type, before you use them in Ca_MARKOV.
Indrian RA Hai,
before you run the model, first thing you should do is prepare the data properly.
-data path (your working folder) must be stated first
-all your data are in same format (byte/real/integer). this procedure is defined when you import your data (.shp) to idrisi format (.vct)
-input and output should be in the same directory (working path). i did not do it once, and problems appeared
linda theres Hi,
I am using CA-Markov model to predict land use. I am getting an error "parameter file name not found"
Please provide solution to resolve this problem