I have been using Land Change Modeler (LCM) in IDRISI for a few weeks, experimenting with projecting deforestation in the Ecuadorian Amazon. I am now trying to perform the final series of projections, but suddenly every time I run the submodel and create transition potentials, every one of the potentials has a probability of 0, or an extremely low potential for change. I have changed none of the project parameters. I have also created new projects with the same parameters, and have tried using new images in case the ones I had been using had somehow become corrupted.
However, nothing I try is working, and I wonder if there could be a problem with LCM itself?
I would like to try uninstalling an reinstalling IDRISI, but am worried that I will need my license number and password that I was sent originally or may have problems with it- I can't afford to lose it completely for a while!
Has anyone had a similar experience, or has anyone tried uninstalling and reinstalling IDRISI before?