Hello, I am trying to create a corridor map with the panel of Land Change Modeler-Corridor Planning. When run it, it looks like everything is running ok, but at the end I receive the following message "Please provide a legal output file name". All the maps are correctly named and projected but it does not work. How could I solve this problem? Thank you, Andrea
Clark Labs Tech Support Team Hi Andrea,
Please make sure all your data is in a folder that has been added as either a resource or working folder in the IDRISI Explorer pane. If you are browsing to a folder to save the output image in, you may have better luck simply saving the file to your working folder, since there may be file sharing issues related to the folder you are browsing to. Avoid long file names and non-alphanumeric characters such as {].<,?/’”;(*&%$#@!. Make sure that the folder you are saving to is located on a local and not network or remote drive and you have full read, write, modify access to this folder.
Best Regards,
Andrew Hostetler
Clark Labs Technical Support -
Andrea Teran Hello Andrew,
Thank you for your answer. I had already done what you tell me and I got a process execution. Although, it is calculating since more than 2 days, and it is still not finishing. The function costgrow is already with pass 50775, but I do not know if that makes sense and if I will get any result at all. How long could that process take? I'm working with simple rasters (columns and rows: 7156, 5795).
Thank you,
Clark Labs Tech Support Team Hi Andrea,
You are using quite a large file, which could slow down the process. The rate at which the process runs will also depend on the terminal regions, development map, and conservation value map that you have specified as well as the scene's habitat suitability. If you are unsure whether the process has stopped you can always check in the task manager to see whether IDRISI and it's related processes are still running.
Best Regards,
Andrew Hostetler
Clark Labs Technical Support -
Andrea Teran Dear Andrew,
I could finally get the process to run. After 4 days approximately, I got a result file but it is just a black image. I attach the file image. What could be happening? My inputs were 2 terminals (boolean images) and a suitability map in a scale from 0 to 1.
Best regards,
Andrea Terán