ETRS89/LAEA ref file

Hi There, 

I have a raster file which is in ETRS89/LAEA and I want to convert it to LATLONG in Terrset. 

I have an rdc file with the following content

file format : IDRISI Raster A.1

file title : Clay content, subsoil

data type : real

file type : binary

columns : 5900

rows : 4600

ref. system : _etrs_laea

ref. units : m

unit dist. : 1.0000000

min. X : 1500000.0000000

max. X : 7400000.0000000

min. Y : 900000.0000000

max. Y : 5500000.0000000

pos'n error : unknown

resolution : 1000

min. value : 0.0000000

max. value : 73.0000000

display min : 0.0000000

display max : 73.0000000

value units : percent

value error : unknown

flag value : none

flag def'n : none

legend cats : 0

lineage : European Commission Joint Research Centre

lineage : Institute for Environment and Sustainability

lineage : Via Enrico Fermi 2749, TP 261, 21027 Ispra (VA), Italy

lineage : roland.hiederer(a)jrc.ec.europa.eu

I tried to make a .ref file out of it, as it is asked from the software

ref. system :ETRS89 / ETRS-LAEA

projection : European_Terrestrial_Reference_System_1989

datum : ETRS89

delta WGS84 : 0 0 0

ellipsoid : GRS80

major s-ax : 6378137

minor s-ax : 6356752.31414

origin long : 52

origin lat : 10

origin X : 4321000

origin Y : 3210000

scale fac : na

units : m

parameters : 2

stand ln 1 : 35

stand ln 2 : 65

but it does not work. I think the problem stands to delta WGS84. If anyone has any idea what these three parameters are, kindly let me know. 



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