hi everyone
i have a problem in the section "test and selection of site and driver variables". when i agregate the variable (box Evaluate) and press "test explanatory power"
hi everyone
i have a problem in the section "test and selection of site and driver variables". when i agregate the variable (box Evaluate) and press "test explanatory power"
The "Test and Selection of SIte and Driver Variables" panel is no longer included in LCM (in TerrSet). It is now suggested to run the transition sub-model and look at the text results about the contributions of the various variables to examine their impact and make adjustments.
However, I did just do some experiments with Selva and was able to recreate your problem in the following circumstance:
If the variable being evaluated was byte or integer (not real) and the maximum value was 28 or less, then it would get the error you describe. Since you must be using Selva, and since this panel is no longer there in TerrSet, you will need a workaround, rather than a fix. If you CONVERT your file to Real format (instead of byte or integer), then it will not encounter that error. (It is ok to have byte/integer images here, it just triggers there error if the max is not >= 29.)
Mell “SDGIS” DellAguila Was this issue rectified. I am also facing similar issue here
Yes it worked for me. I changed the 8 bit unsigned to 32 bit float using copy raster tool in arcgis.
Clark Labs Thank you for the clarification.
Linda, I'm glad that fixed it for you. Just FYI, you can also use the CONVERT module in TerrSet to convert between integer, byte and real formats.